Teaching Archive
Teaching Archive
Teaching the Good News of Jesus Christ is central to who we are at Trinity Church. Each week, Biblical truth is taught during our weekend worship services by our pastors, elders, and visiting speakers.
Trinity typically focuses on God's Word, challenging us to live fulfilled and meaningful lives patterned after the life of Jesus Christ. Our Teaching Ministry exists to express our love for Almighty God through an honest and relevant examination of the Bible.
We invite you to join us on Sundays at 10am Pacific time, if you can’t make it in person please join us online via our live stream.
We invite you to join us each Sunday morning for the first few months of 2025 as we explore these ancient truths and how they can transform our lives. Don’t forget to invite your friends and family to join us using the invitation cards in the lobby or linking to the information on our Facebook page.
Faith is a journey, one intended to move us nearer the place we need to be. This sermon series artistically considers the Magi’s pursuit of the Christmas star, paralleling that journey with Christian’s pursuit of the Celestial City in the famed literary allegory “Pilgrim’s Progress.” Ultimately, however, this series is intended to inspire and motivate each of us in our own day-to-day pursuit of hope and peace.
Faith Promise is our time to celebrate what God is doing both here in the South Bay and around the globe through our strategic partners, supported organizations and missionaries. One of the biggest ways we support our partners is through prayer. For a list of our partners and the latest information check out this year's booklet. Faith Promise 2025 Mission Booklet
The Book of 1 Corinthians is a letter written by the Apostle Paul to the Christian community in
Corinth. It is a letter that addresses a church that believes they are spiritually mature but are
really mere spiritual juveniles. It aims to instruct and guide the Corinthian believers in their
Christian walk, emphasizing the principles of love, unity, and proper conduct within the
community of believers.
There are many people who struggle with prayer. It can be hard to believe that the Creator of the universe wants to talk to us. How do I pray? How do I hear his voice? How do I know if it’s him or me? This series takes a look at some of the questions we have about prayer and encourages us to go deeper in our communication with an Almighty God.
Rather than trying to address the hot politic topics of today as we see it, the goal of this series is to to look at the Biblical passages that directly address politics, and then apply those passages to today’s political environment.
4/7/24 - What does the Bible say about our ties to a political party or philosophy?
4/14/24 - What is God’s ultimate desire for the outcome at the ballot box?
4/21/24 - How passionate should we be about political matters?
5/5/24 - How do we handle the touchy political issues and the different opinions on what the bible says about them?
5/12/24 - When does standing up for what is right become wrong?
5/19/24 - How do we respond to those who are persecuting us for our Christian convictions?
At Trinity Church, we believe that we are called to serve the world with passion and purpose because that is what Jesus did. The theme for this year is “Digging Faith Ditches Across the World”. Three kings with three armies well-skilled at war were gathered to subdue Moab but there was a major problem…they ran out of water. They had no more water for themselves and the animals with them. They turned to the prophet Elisha who gave them this word from the Lord in 2 Kings 3:16-18. He said, “Thus says the Lord, ‘Make this valley full of trenches.’ For thus says the Lord, ‘You shall not see wind nor shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, so that you shall drink, both you and your cattle and your beasts. This is but a slight thing in the sight of the Lord; He will also give the Moabites into your hand.’”
What? Make this valley full of trenches? Remember they were hot, they were tired, they were thirsty, the ground was dry and hard and yet God tells them to dig ditches. They had to make a choice. Do we trust God by faith and do what He is saying even though it doesn’t seem to make sense? Or do we do what we think is best? Thankfully they trusted God by faith. They dug ditches and the next morning water came flowing.
Often God will ask us to do something by faith before He answers our prayers. What is God asking you to do by faith?
We all have questions about God, faith, and purpose!
Sermon Series:
Join us as we invite our neighbors, coworkers, family, and friends to
explore these 7 questions with us.
Does Life Have A Purpose?
Is There A God?
Why Does God Allow Pain & Suffering
Is Christianity Too Narrow?
Is Jesus Really God?
Is The Bible Reliable?
Can I Know God Personally?
So What Do I Do Now?
God's Word explicitly teaches that “this world” is not all there is. We are surrounded (and even part of) an unseen world that is teeming with both influence and intrigued. This series further explores this reality, looking deeper into the nature of our unseen helpers, our unseen adversaries, and even our unseen selves.
At the heart of Nehemiah is the restoration of the hearts of God’s people which revolve around the restoration of the walls of Jerusalem. Through Nehemiah we see God drawing people back to Himself. He accomplishes this by modeling what it means to recognize the problem, lean on God for the solution, make a Holy Spirit guided plan to address the problem, be aware of the challenges of the enemy along the way, remember to help others amidst your own struggles, and give God the glory He is due for the success that comes. Nehemiah also reminds us of the importance of knowing God’s word, being convicted by God’s word, and whole heartedly obeying God’s word. In the end, not only were the walls of Jerusalem restored, but the people were restored back unto their God. This series gives us an outline for the challenges and brokenness in our own lives as we follow God’s restoration of His people in Nehemiah’s day. .
Our God is a relational God that wants to engage with you in radical and adventurous ways. Are there "roadblocks" in the way of your "Yes" to that relationship or your obedience to His call?
There are many reasons people don’t believe in and follow God. On one hand, people resist the truth so they may continue in their self destructive ways (Romans 1:18), on the other hand people often reject God because of the example of those who are supposed to be His children (Romans 2:24). This series takes a look at some of the objections people have to believing in and following God considering both root causes.
Trinity Church is a family of ordinary people who are in process of being transformed by an extraordinary God. This is the latest in the series that highlights some of our personal stories of how God's Son, Jesus, has changed our lives.
John the Baptist identified Jesus as “the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29) This statement was not made in a vacuum but reflected the entirety of God’s story with His people. This series takes a look at the significance of this title, from the beginning of time all the way to its conclusion.
Not many Christians would ever naturally say that we have known God. The words imply a definiteness and matter-of-factness of experience to which most of us have to admit that we are strangers. For most Christians the experience of God has never become as vivid as that. And yet eternal life is just that - Knowing God.
The word Advent is defined as “the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event.” For centuries Christians have celebrated the arrival of Jesus, Immanuel which means God with us. This celebration of our Savior is known worldwide as Christmas. The arrival of Jesus changed the world for all time. This series looks at four words that describe the affect Jesus has on our lives and the world at large . . . Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love.
We live in a world that needs HOPE. Unfortunately, most people will look in all of the wrong places. Many will fill their schedules while others dedicate their lives to work. Many deal with anxiety while others deal with depression. No matter what people are going through there is Good News! His name is Jesus. Jesus brings us HOPE and He can bring peace and joy to any circumstance if you choose to follow him. He can Empower hearts to change, Empower our lives to live, and Empower our mission so that we have purpose.
How does someone go from being raised in the church and loving God to someone who feels disdain for the church and doesn’t believe in God? The reason this question is so relevant is because so many of today’s youth and young adults are doing exactly that. However, it really isn’t just a modern day problem. Historically love for God and His people has been cyclical with many ups and downs.
This 9 week series from 1&2 Kings and Jeremiah wrestles with this question by taking a look at Israel from its hay day during King Solomon’s reign to the fall of Israel as it goes into Babylonian captivity. We hope to try and understand the reasons for the decline and unearth how the mighty nation of faith fell from God’s grace to lost in captivity. Most importantly, we hope to discover how we might avoid such a fate.
The world we live in regularly pulls at our attention and time. We’re told what’s important in life is power, success, money, our happiness, and a “perfect life”. Yet the pursuit of these goals leaves you exhausted and thirsting after more, more, more. That’s because we were not designed to pursue these goals. This four week series aims to reframe what the goal really is according to Jesus. Based out of John 15 and His command to abide in The True Vine, this series reminds us that we were designed for dependence on God, not the pursuit of more. When we choose to abide, we get to put down the exhausting pursuits and embrace a life nourished by heaven.
This 3-week series from James will help when challenges come. Everyone will go through trials, conflict and suffering. No one is immune because we live in a broken world with broken people. We have two options when they come: First, we can "try our best" to get through them hoping that they quickly go away. This usually leaves us damaged along the way. Second, we can partner with Jesus so that we can grow through them. This gives us joy and hope because we know that God is working and nothing is wasted.
Woven throughout the Bible, beginning in Genesis and continuing through Revelation, the scripture repeatedly instructs us to "fear the Lord". This holy fear is credited as being "the beginning of wisdom", and "the foundation of life". It turns us away from sin, and directs us toward the arms of our Heavenly Father. This series explores the purpose and nature of this healthy fear- a fear that ultimately results in peace.
The Sermon on the Mount concludes with a series of do’s and don’ts that focus on how we deal with material wealth and the subject of judgement. Both these topics help us build a spiritual life that is in stark contrast to our former way of thinking and living. In the new kingdom that Jesus is building his followers reflect a very different set of values when it comes to wealth and judgement. In fact, both of these are a good barometer in how we are growing in becoming like Jesus as they both reflect an internal change of heart and mind towards this world and the people who live in it,
Jesus shocked the disciples when he affirmed their belief that he was the Christ and then began to teach them that as the Christ he had to suffer and die. Not only did Jesus challenge their view of the Messiah, but he also challenged their view that following him was their path to happiness and success in this world. This series follows Jesus as He purposely heads to the cross, and encourages us to be intentional about dying to the old self as well.
Jesus recognizes the human reality that many do what is right because it is an opportunity to gain recognition and praise. However, Jesus is calling for complete heart change where our motives are not selfish. So he teaches that we should do our good deeds quietly or in secret, with no thought of reward. Jesus says we should check our motives in three areas: generosity or almsgiving (6:4), prayer (6:6), and fasting (6:18). Those acts should not be self-centered, but God-centered, done not to make us look good but to make God look good.
Following the Beatitudes and Jesus’ comment in Matthew 5:20, “For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven”; the question most likely hung in people's minds, "How can we possibly be more righteous than the law-abiding Pharisees?" In the following verses, Jesus outlined some examples of the "how." Six times he will say, "You have heard that it was said . . . but I say to you". With these words he explained that his teaching went beyond what the Ten Commandments and the Torah said. Jesus showed the true intent of God's Law.
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see” (Hebrews 11:1). This series is about how Christ coming into the world provides us a hope which is much needed in the world we live in. This short series connects the hope laid out in the Hebrew Scriptures with the fulfillment in Matthew 1-2, and then connects that with the sure hope we can have in our everyday lives. We can be confident of our hope now because the Hope God gave in the past, came to fruition in Christ.
Faith Promise 2022
It's that time of the year again where we highlight what God is doing through our supported missionaries, local organizations and partners. During the services, you will hear stories about how God has been stretching the faith of those that are sharing the Gospel and serving the needs of others. Faith Promise is also a time where we ask you to pray to see if the Lord would want you to stretch your faith to support what He is doing. For some that may mean something financial. For others it could mean praying for these people on the front lines. We pray that you hear from Him and will do what He asks. Take some time to scroll through the booklet to get the latest uprdates.
Good neighboring is an art. The dictionary defines a neighbor as someone who is next to or very near another in location. However, for healthy communities all across the world it is so much more. Neighboring is the art of treating those in your community like family. It requires us to nurture a welcoming spirit and a friendly demeanor even with folks we do not yet know very well. Good neighbors introduce themselves, seek to make strangers friends, maintains relationships, and are themselves approachable.
False teaching brought to the Galatian churches by the Judaizers has been extremely difficult to root out even today. We must walk a fine line—on one hand, we do not want to fall into the legalism that the Galatians struggled with, but on the other, we cannot just live as if anything goes.
The Christian’s commitment to Christ is based on the free gift of grace through faith, but as Paul articulated at the end of Galatians, it also results in a life of walking by the Spirit.
Use Paul’s words in Galatians as an encouragement to pursue a life of holiness, not in your own strength but in the knowledge of God’s empowering grace in your life.
The story of Jonah and the big fish is one of the most famous in the Bible.
It’s a story about storms and sailors, rebellion, and rescue, preaching and protest. And it’s a story about one reluctant person's experience of speaking to people who knew nothing about God.
Jonah’s story will encourage believers who find themselves ill-equipped to share God’s message with colleagues, friends and family: and it deeply challenges our priorities in life.
But most of all this is a story about God. The book of Jonah reveals to us the depths of God’s grace, both to “outsiders” and to “insiders”. It shows us God’s compassion for those that don't know Him and patience with His wayward people.
Scripture tells us to guard our hearts because out of it flows the issues of life. God says that we look at the outward appearance but He looks at the heart. The condition of our hearts are central to everything we do from loving God, loving our neighbor and living a life that brings glory to Him.
This three week series will challenge us to look inside and encourage us to Open our Hearts to allow God to transform us. It will show us how God does that through His word and that His desire is to bring us to a place where we develop new habits so that our hearts are wholly focused on Him.
The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most famous of Jesus’ sermons or “discourses.” The first part of that discourse is often referred to as the beatitudes. These spiritual axioms aren’t just a list of things you get blessed for, but rather they speak to the good news of who the kingdom of God is for. In essence, Jesus “flips the script” and sheds light on a new kind of kingdom with a new kind of kingdom citizen. This series highlights those characteristics and how God’s people can live right side up in an upside down world.
Trinity Church is a family of ordinary people who are in process of being transformed by an extraordinary God. This is the latest in the series that highlights some of our personal stories of how God's Son, Jesus, has changed our lives.
Henry Blackaby states that prayer is “God’s invitation to enter His throne room so He can lay HIS AGENDA over our hearts.” The habit of prayer is one of the surest marks of a true Christian. If you look at the lives of many eminent Christians who have been on earth since the Bible days. You will see that some of them were rich, and some poor, some were learned, and some unlearned. Some of them were Baptists, Methodists, Charismatics, Catholics and other such names. But one thing they all had in common. They have all been men and women of prayer.
This series seeks to deeper our understanding of prayer, increase our time in it, and see it become more rich and beneficial.
This special message was in response to the chaos created by the storming of the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021.
When we consider the Christmas story we see that there is no mountain too high, no valley too low, no river too wide to keep God's love from reaching us. No one is excluded from receiving God’s gift of salvation. And wen we understand the magnitude of this Gift, the result is true humility.
Jesus is the only hope for the nations. He is worthy of putting our hope in, and He is the one who can get us through challenging times. Trinity Church not only celebrates this hope but we have set this time aside to celebrate many the stories of 2020 of how we have seen people both locally and globally find hope in Christ.
One of the most critical and important events in history was the death and resurrection of God’s son, Jesus. This series takes a look at this event from different vantage points. Whether it is Simon of Cyrene who carried the cross of Jesus, the religious leaders who instigated the event, the thieves crucified with Jesus, or the Centurion soldier who watched over the crucifixion; they each have a unique perspective on this life changing event.
With all that is going on in our world today, God's people are in need of hope. Elisha is a key figure in Bible history, and his life can provide some inspiration in a time where much is needed. Living in a time of spiritual evil, particularly regarding organized Baal worship, Elisha's ministry sought to turn the people back to God through signs and wonders, and to convince the people that only the true God was worth serving. Best of all, God's work through Elisha shows us that in the midst of trouble times God's people can not only survive, bur can actually thrive.
With so many challenges going on in the world, we take some time to look at our own hearts. Are we reflecting the love and trust of Christ or are we overwhelmed like everyone else at the uncertainty of the times?
With the current upheaval over racial tension, this series tries to help God's people respond in a way that we reflect Christ to a world in need.
In the mist of the current crisis with COVID-19, what should the response of Christians be in deciding whether to stay home or get out? And how do we respond to those who have a different conviction?
Trinity Church is a family of ordinary people who are in process of being transformed by an extraordinary God. This series highlights some of our personal stories of how God's Son, Jesus, has changed our lives.
A counterculture is a subculture whose values and norms of behavior differ substantially from those of mainstream society, often in opposition to mainstream cultural mores. The Church, like their cornerstone, is supposed to differ substantially from the mainstream of society. Based on our faith in Christ and His sacrifice as a means of righteousness, Paul gives a picture in Romans 12-15 of the practical values and norms of followers of Jesus. The end result is a people, set apart by God, which are counter-cultural to the world around them.
This Series prepares our hearts for the true meaning behind Christmas as we explore Christmas story as recorded in Luke 1.
This series is an overview of the Bible from the beginning to the end. It is a summary story of the God’s relationship with the world, and it can simply be entitled “God loves you.”
This series is focused on answering key questions plaguing the church. Some questions the church is actually asking, but some are questions they might be too afraid or unaware to ask. The hope is that we will help the church think through how to integrate God’s Word with the everyday lives they live in the Silicon Valley.
In this series we will look at the importance of the resurrection. We will answer questions like: did Jesus rise from the dead, what is God like, why does Jesus matter to me, does God really care about me, and what is the new life Christians are supposed to have?
At times Jesus would teach truth that was hard for many to understand or follow. At one point many of His followers decided to leave. He asked the twelve disciples if they too wanted to leave. Peter answered him, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” - John 6:64. This series explores the significance, the depth, and the means of experiencing God’s Words of Life.
If someone were to ask you "What would Jesus do?" Tell them that flipping over tables and chasing people with a whip is with in the possibility. Pastor Cory challenges us through John 2.
The church of Jesus Christ is meant to make a huge impact on the world. Impact is determined by momentum. Thus we make the biggest impact when we are united heading in the same direction. This series emphasizes what it means to be a disciple of Jesus, and the impact His followers can have on the world around us.
Often experiencing God's best in your life isn't experienced in large pivotal events, but several smaller moments in a season of life. This two week series is a personal testimony of God's goodness and the pivotal moments that lead to such overwhelming blessing.
This Christmas series is based on the classic Christmas Carol "O Holy Night". Join us as we see the season through fresh new eyes through the lens of a classic carol.