Teaching Archive
Teaching Archive

Stephanie's Bio
I grew up in Millbrae, California with my two older brothers. My parents divorced when I was young but, thankfully, they have stayed friends even to this day. I grew up in a catholic family who went to church on Easter. From a young age, I would ponder the meaning of life and why we are here on earth. I often thought, “we live for a while then die, what is the whole purpose of that!?!” In my early teens I began smoking and doing drugs and began struggling greatly in school. As my juvenile delinquency progressed, I was in danger of not graduating high school. At that time a wonderful teacher (Ms. Pam Wright) intervened in my life. Ms. Wright was instrumental in getting me into an in-patient drug treatment program in my senior year. I graduated that year and also never went back to drugs. I married shortly after high school and had 2 wonderful boys. Unfortunately at 23 years old I found myself a single parent at a time when my older son was being diagnosed with Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, Myoclonic Epilepsy and Severe Autism.
In the midst of that juvenile delinquency, when I was about 16 yrs old, one of my older brothers became a Christian. He invited me to a Christian camp one summer. I was shocked to see all kinds of people talking about Jesus, singing about Jesus, praying… and having a lot of fun! It seemed like these people had a joy and a purpose that was undeniable. One night I sat with a counselor and prayed to accept Jesus as my Savior. Although I returned home and continued my old lifestyle, I knew there was a clear change in my heart and I felt hopeful about life in a way I had never felt before. It took another 6 years before I began attending a church, was baptized and really started growing in my relationship with Jesus. And what a journey it has been since then! A journey that has been filled with lots of heartache and challenging times but also so much joy, love and personal growth. Following Jesus has not been smooth sailing but it has been worth it! And I am always thankful for the truth of who I am in Jesus, the assurance of being with the Lord someday in heaven, and I’m so grateful to have found my purpose in life… To love God and serve Him forever.
I recently celebrated my 21st wedding anniversary with my incredibly wonderful, and handsome, husband. I am always amazed at how God brought Ricardo into my life and how Ricardo loved and cared for my 2 boys like his own! Soon after we married, God blessed us with 3 more beautiful children!
I have been volunteering at Trinity Church as a preschool Sunday School teacher for 20+ years along with other ministries in the church. In the fall of 2018, God had a plan to bring me on staff at Trinity. Although I was surprised by this opportunity, I knew enough about my walk with the Lord that His plan is always the best plan to follow!