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2022 Annual
Elections Meeting

Sunday - january 9 - 11:20 am

sunday - january 9 - 11:20 am



It's that time a year where we have our Trinity Church Annual Elections Meeting.  You will have a couple of choices in attending the meeting. First, you may attend live. Just stick around after the service for the meeting to follow. Second, you may attend online. Just like the service on Sunday morning we will stream the meeting. For those joining us online, you will be able to ask questions using the discussion format on Facebook Live.

Image by Arnaud Jaegers


In terms of procedure, we hope to have enough people live that will fulfill a quorum, if not we will take a count of those members online as well through the chat features. For the normal ballot voting, Trinity Church members will have three options.


  1. Option - If you are present at the meeting, you can drop your ballot in the ballot box at the end of the meeting

  2. Option - You can fill out your ballot at home and drop it by the office on either Wednesday, January 12, from 10:00 to 1:00 pm or Friday, January 14, from 10:00 to 1:00 pm.

  3. Option - You can fill out your ballot at home and mail it to the church. Please note that the ballot needs to arrive by Friday, January 12. So please make sure to mail your ballot on Monday, January 10.


Our church constitution does not allow for proxy voting, so each ballot will need to be signed. You will notice that the ballot will have two halves. The top half will be the ballot that you will use to vote, and the bottom half will be a section to print your name and sign. When we receive your ballot someone will authenticate the name is on our membership roles, and then all sheets will be cut in half so those who tally the ballots will only see the ballot portion.


Click and print this ballot below. Please be sure to sign your ballot before you either turn it in or mail it.  Thank you!




Image by NeONBRAND


Elder - Dave Bruechert

Lead Counter - Michelle Wilson

Treasurer - Sue Thayer

Nominating Committee - Lisa Prather

Nominating Committee - Kim Castro

Nominating Committee - Monique Gardner

Nominating Committee - Jim Thayer

Image by Kelly Sikkema


Below you will find a PDF link to the 2022 Faith Promise Budget. This is the budget we will vote on. 



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